all postcodes in OX7 / CHIPPING NORTON

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX7 5AA 13 51.940348 -1.545584
OX7 5AB 1 51.941137 -1.545198
OX7 5AD 24 51.941971 -1.544637
OX7 5AE 1 51.941665 -1.544581
OX7 5AF 1 51.941002 -1.545199
OX7 5AG 0 51.942703 -1.543218
OX7 5AL 2 51.943397 -1.543793
OX7 5AP 0 51.944307 -1.541762
OX7 5AQ 6 51.943417 -1.544316
OX7 5AR 2 51.9441 -1.541778
OX7 5AS 0 51.941795 -1.538688
OX7 5AT 0 51.944222 -1.538634
OX7 5AU 1 51.944622 -1.537481
OX7 5AW 2 51.944441 -1.541658
OX7 5AX 4 51.943735 -1.540458
OX7 5AY 0 51.940221 -1.54304
OX7 5AZ 0 51.943563 -1.540125
OX7 5BA 0 51.943339 -1.540418
OX7 5BB 0 51.942335 -1.538756
OX7 5BD 0 51.941428 -1.541296